About that Egg Cup
There is an easy rule to feeding rabbits. Always have free access to hay and you can feed about an egg cup full of pellets per bun a day. That being said, lets make a festive supervised foraging toy!
We could get way more nitty gritty about diets here, but I am no expert on nutrition so I will leave that to your veterinarian to discuss with you.
I am, however REALLY good at helping animals display natural behaviors so, lets do that!
Heres what you'll need:
Fillable Easter Eggs
Espadrilles (Sort of Optional, but they really help get you in the Spring feel)
Just drill a hole or two a tad larger than your pellet size in each egg, scoop some pellet in and your done.
Easy, right?!
I would only suggest this foraging toy be used supervised. While its great fun, novel, and allows them the exercise their bodies and minds...the plastic is flimsy and not suitable for alone time.